My daughter is getting married on June 30th. Have you any advice on what I can plant now for maximum colour impact.

For Summer hanging baskets and containers I always use water retaining granules. Should I use them for Winter baskets etc, or could they freeze and kill the plants ?

Part of my west facing bed only gets sun late afternoon any ideas for winter colour preferably bedding plants

I planted winter pansies, violas and mini cyclamen and cyclamen in my window boxes in late September. The compost is very wet and cyclamen may be rotting. Have deadheaded but little further flowering. Do I need to dry out window boxes and if so how? Also, should I fertilise to encourage growth and if so, … read more

When should I sow my forget-me-not seeds so they are flowering with my tulips?

I bought 13 window boxes for the spring and im not sure what to fill them with.

Over the last 2 years, I’ve grown a lot of veg and summer bedding in containers and so have about 2 cubic metres of spent compost, made up of bought in proprietary peat based product and home made general stuff (grass, plant shreddings, green kitchen waste etc.). How best can I re-use this? Ideally, I … read more

I’m a very amateur gardener but I love growing things and this Christmas I took a shine to a flower I describe as ‘Ornamental Cabbage’. They are a form of brassica of this I’m sure but are they just cabbage plant flowers? Or have they a specific genus?

I have just erected a greenhouse. Should I plant bedding seeds in the greenhouse now for spring ?

I’m planting up pots for wjnter at the moment. planting tulips in layers to give a longer period of colour in spring, any suggestions for what to plant on top of pots to give colour now and throuh the winter, no great success with cyclamen in the past.

Is there was any way to keep flowers alive during the winter?

Has anyone ever seen a garden daisy like this?? my ‘nature expert’ 10 year old daughter found it on easter Sunday among normal daisies. i have it in water now… any tips in how I can preserve it better as it may be of interest to botanical experts?

Im a young gardener and recently bought some pansy and primula plants but the pansy are stunted and have small brown/black spots on them and the leaves of the primula plants are yellowing off and then turning brown and rotting. Can anything be done to save these plants??

I would like to have some hanging baskets during autumn and winter i wold like some advice on what is the best plants to give a little colour.

I have planted polyanthus seeds today, is it too late for them, when should i have flowers? Also I would love cyclamen in pots for winter/spring. Are they seed or bulb and when would I plant them?

Our wallflowers are forming seedheads, should we leave them, collect them or remove them? Thank you. Harry bond

What flowers will be in bloom in May I have First Communion and want garden to be as colourful as possible? Thanks

Wedding. Its an in-between time in the garden. Mine is mainly a summer garden hence the pots.

My daughter is getting married at the end April next year and i want to brighten up around the house and patio with pots and containers. what would be the best plants and bulbs to sow in them. i am afraid that daffodils will be gone by then. my garden looked fab this year and … read more

Are the bold-coloured primroses that you see in hanging baskets and borders perennial?

I’ve recently cleaned out my pots and am thinking of replanting them. i wonder what compost i should use, multipurpose or a mixture?I plan on planting lilies and crinum. bulbs in general i supposealso do you recommend water retaining gel?

I have searched all over for seeds for winterflowering plants, eg. pansies. Nary a one to be found anywhere i looked earlier this year. As you know if one wants to fill beds in a 3/4 acre site with plenty of winter flowers, buying them from a garden center can be a pocket buster, especially … read more

What type of flower can i plant for autumn /winter at entrance to both sides of my house which will look well?

What are the best flowers for the month of May,and when is the time to plant them,as i have a communion that month.

I potted some clippings from hedgeing, some didnt take. What can I use that mosspeat for?

I’m trying to find an attractive flowering plant or a few plants to grow in a container by my mum’s grave. I’d like to have something that will last the winter and look nice and bright, have you any suggestions please? The area is quite windy and exposed,

Please can you tell me how to protect my Echium fatuosum from frost.

I am planting grass and wild flowers into 8″ wide bowls for wedding centre pieces for next May. What flowers would you suggest that will be in bloom first week in May and when do i plant them? What tips do you have?

Hi Gerry, could you tell me what plants I can plant now that will come up for the spring? I would love some colour in the garden. Thanks.

hi gerry could you give me a few names of flowers that flower in may and have good colour please i have large garden

annual winter flower/plant?please and thanks

I have some wallflowers which are coming to the end of their flowering season, will they come back next year or should I dig them up and put in some summer bedding for colour. I have daffodils sown behind them.