Im just after finding green fly on my peppers plants in my green house, 1 plant has loads and 1 or 2 have a few. what should i do?

I have been growing 4 different species of chilli peppers in my greenhouse, in pots. Whilst I planted the seeds quite late (mid May, owing to the fact that I was building my greenhouse!), 3 of the plants have started to produce chillies.However, the leaves are withering a bit at the moment, despite keeping them … read more

My peppers, sown from seed in greenhouse have flowered and are fruiting. They have been attacked by green/white fly in the past. The early fruit is now are being eaten by something I cannot see. Leaves have holes and peppers have been eaten into without any sign of the pest. The joints of the stem/leave … read more

I have some pepper plants growing in my glasshouse which I cultivated from seed. I sowed them in the glasshouse in early June. The plants are thriving but there is no sign of any fruit yet. When can I expect the fruit to appear or can I do anything to encourage fruit