When I was younger the seasons were defined as for example Nov, Dec & Jan. were winter. But I think that has now all changed, at least from a gardening point of view. You often see references to “early spring” or “mid spring” or “late spring” etc. I would consider March to be early spring … read more

I’m making leaf mould with sycamore leaves that have tar spot in plastic bags (with a few holes in the sides). Is it likely that the temperature will be high enough to kill the spores? If not, can I still use the leaf mould for young trees and shrubs?

I am new to gardening and have a large garden of which we have done little with over the last 12 years. I want to plant shrubs and perennials in a large bed which is approx. 4.5 metres by 1.5 metres and is at the front of my two storey house. Please give me tips … read more

I successfully propagated a number of hydrangea and roses from stems last year, however they all got destroyed in the winter storms when my small greenhouse was damaged. I’d like to get an early start on the season by propagating them again as early as possible and heard somewhere that taking cuttings from the underground … read more

I would like to store seeds in old plastic containers from multivitamins that have moisture eliminating tops. What would you recommend?

Last year, we appeared to have a batch of ground wasps in our lawn. They were brown, small and came up from the soil through tiny funnel like entrances/exits. They were gone by the end of June/early July, but they are back. How can I get rid of them so they don’t return next year? … read more

Can I add briquette ash to my compost heap, when it’s cold !

I have recently moved and in a certain area of the lawn it seems to be slightly boggy when you walk on it you sink but only just so boggy would seem not the right word more extremely soft. The rest of the lawn is perfect i know we havent had much of a great … read more

We moved to our property four years ago but haven’t had the funds to deal with the garden. I’m determined to do a start myself this year but funds are limited and our garden is very water-logged. I know drains are needed but what ground work can I do to get started before we hit … read more

I’m living in Riverchapel and our back garden garden have a layer of surface water that stays for days at a time if it rains. We only get sunlight to the very back of our garden which helps with drying it off also the grass is very patchy. It is a 2 year old house … read more

Dear Gerry, I need to get somebody in to help me in the garden. I am worried about insurance; I have heard horror stories about contractors damaging property or, even worse, injuring themselves, while carrying out work and the property owner being liable. What sort of insurance should a garden maintenance contractor have? Is it … read more

can i grow ash and copper beech trees from cuttings?

I have a drainage issue, water not draining through the ground. What I have done is drove a steel bar down 20 inches into the ground and filled up with drainage stones(about 12-14 in). I filled up with water and only drained 1 inch in 4 hours. My intention was to have these holes about … read more