We are in the middle of having our back garden done. Living in Wicklow town in an estate with a south East facing garden . Relatively sheltered but with a steep slope at the back. We are putting decking at the bottom, outside the back door with steps up to a higher level of decorative … read more

Hi Gerry, I am hoping you can identify the plant in the photo. Its pale yellow flowers have just appeared. The leaves have a lovely scent when they’re rubbed. It has woody stems. If I know what it is hopefully I can take care of it.

Would like to install a row of pleached lime trees along the side passage of my house where there is a 1m space between boundary wall and house wall. Would buy these trees from a nursery, they are 8 foot tall at present. Is this feasible?

An unusual tree? Seems to be two species in one. Any idea what it might be.

I bought & planted Daphne last February in the garden. It has berries, but no leaves. What is wrong with it? Will it get better?

I am trying to find out the type of tree that is in a site where we are building a house. I attach a photo of it and a close up of the leaf.

Could you please identify this plant. It’s climbing up a sycamore tree in shade.

I’ve got a rough ditch boundary at 1 side of my property. It is mainly blackthorn, briars etc and looks messy and fairly bare in Winter. I have managed to level off the top and front and would like to try and cover it somehow – as it cant be removed or replanted etc . … read more

I have this tree,,and i don’t know its name or how to look after it,some leaves look sick.. see picture. can you help? regards larry

I have a 100 ft boundary block wall and its 6ft tall. I want to cover the wall with flowers/plants etc. what would you recommend.

I moved to Ireland few months ago. I didn’t work in my garden because I wanted to know what plants I have here. I found this plant and neither me our my husband know what it is.

Can you identify the attached please ?. I am worried it is Japanese hogweed.

I transplanted red dogwood I found in the bog earlier this year. It started to grow and looked well, new leaves and all. Now leaves are turning black on some plants and all the green vegetation is blackening on those sick plants. I am afraid it might spread – what ever it is?

I inherited this tree in a pot with the house.It had 2 leaves at first but has added some in the last 2 years.Can you tell me what it is?

What plants would you suggest I use to conceal the concrete box in the foreground of the attached photo? I have planted Cotoneaster horizontalis around the box to the background. The surrounding lawn has Maples, Silver Birch and Mountain Ash. This lawn gets morning and full afternoon sun. Your expert advise would be greatly appreciated.

Making a large heatherbed (70 m2). Using mainly winterflowering heathers and some conifers.What other small flowering shrubs/perennials can be added to have some colour in the summer/autumn? The area gets full sun and is exposed to wind. Soil is clay and some added mosspeat.

I have a numer of weigela plants. They are in flower at the moment, but the cats are eating the flowers. Why do they do this and is it normal?

I planted a bareroot Acer campestre hedge 12 months ago . For what i know is that Decidous trees start to get new leaves in April . Is it too early for my hedge to be coming into leaf ?. Most of the hedge is showing swelling green buds .

I have some ivy on a wall of my house that has no insulation and I’m hoping it will raise the insulation level a bit and not cause dampness or damage the wall in any way. I hope keeping it trimmed and away from wood, gutters etc is enough to avoid probs?

looking for ideas for wet area at bottom of lawn. water remains for long period and ground never dries. drainage isnt an option.

I planted a Katsura tree in early November and have to move it. It’s about nine feet high. I’v read that they don’t like being moved and am wondering if it would come to any harm being moved so soon again? Also would putting straw in the new planting hole help to establish rooting quicker?

I am looking for a mahonia whose leaves turn orange I think it’s called “orange flame” where can I buy it or is this the best mahonia for coloured leaves?

I have recently brought back some mistletoe from France, 1. how can I keep it till Christmas and 2. Can I graft it on to one of my apple trees?

Hi Gerry, A friend of mine gave me some of her left-over propagating successes but we can’t identify this one. It has small thorns or spikes and grew quite rapidly over the summer.

I’ve been recommended this site by a friend and so wanted to ask your help in identifying this shrub; it’s beginning to look a bit straggly since I took this photo so I’d like to be able to help it along.

I have an ugly wall i want to cover but its foundation is high and extends about 10 inches out what type of climber would grow without much soil or have you another idea and i cant paint it because its an old poor wall ?

what could I grow in front of these plants both are part of an informal hedge?

Hi Gerry, Thanks so much for the advice on the straggly rubus! This is a photo of the last plant to identify in our ‘inherited’ 4 acre garden, a long process! It’s flowers have a really sweet fragrance and it’s about 5 foot high.

This time of year when in the Phoenix park and some town parks I get a lovely scent from a large deciduous tree, its can be the size of a mature beech tree and the flowering part is a lighter green than the leaf, not very conspicuous but one can get a lovely scent wafting … read more

Hi Gerry, Could you please take a look at the pictures attached and let me know what you think they are? This plant is growing in the dog run part of my garden next to a flowering crab apple and I just want to see how big it’s going to get, it’s over 5ft at … read more

Would you tell me what kind of wild shrub this is? The flowers have a nice sweet strong smell. It grows in Kerry, probably in some other parts of Ireland as well.

Philadelphus 2 year old shrub. Small light green leaf but no flowers. Otherwise healthy looking.

Please suggest plants for a slightly northern slope in an exposed area of central Scotland where temperature has been below -18 for several days at a time in the last two winters, add to this fierce wind which can be very desicating or rain snow sodden. I am especially looking for good sturdy hedging plants … read more

Do you know of anywhere I can purchase ‘Early York’ cabbage seeds. I cannot locate them online.

Five mature sycamore trees were planted five feet south of my garden wall by the developer on the weekend he put his houses on sale in 2007. They are now twenty feet high, are blocking my garden light completely and roots are invading my space. Charm wont work; with this guy it was always the … read more

I recently planted over 380 ft of laurel hedging approx 2ft high. How often do i need to water them? Even on a showery day do i need to? any other after planting/care advice.

My good friend Terry found this beautiful pot plant abondened in a skip. He has lovingly tended to it and we would very much appreciate if you could identify what plant it is.

I was just wondering if you have any opinion on Olive varieties to grow in Ireland, and if you have any specific thoughts on the Veronique Olive Tree? Also, would you know where to source veronique olive trees in Ireland?

I’m wondering if it’s possible to grow manuka trees (Leptospermum scoparium) in Ireland or England even ? Would there be certain parts of the country that would be better – dryer, milder & less prone to frost & low temperatures. Would there be any regulations about growing an alien species like Manuka in Ireland ?

A friend gave me a few small cherry blosson trees he didnt want. Anyways i’m just wondering is it possible to graft some of my victoria plum to it?

i have a big lawn but i dont know what i can do with it? and at the side of the house there is like a garden and all weeds are growing and i want to clear it off and put flowers in it what type of flowers can i put in it?

i planted golden leylandi’s 5 years ago and they are approx 5 feet high now. this week they have gone a reddish colour and when you scrap the bark it is brown underneath which is a bad sign. are they dead ?

This years exterme cold has killed half my garden! Can you please recommend hardy flowering shrubs for shelter on an exposed patio. Also any other native relatively frost resistant plants. Very alkaline soil.

I have acer trees and silver birch. they seem to be budding but very slow to leaf also the cherry blossoms. is there anything i can feed them to speed this up?

Our roadside hedge escallonia has died after the cold winters.What hedge would you recommend that will withstand the cold,our soil is heavy clay, what would you think of hornbeam.Would it hold its leaves over the winter.Is it ok to plant the new hedge directly in the same spot once our 20 year old hedge is … read more

Can you help me identify this tree. Its starting to bloom out now 17/march leaves also, sweet scent, is it a cherry tree whats the best way to get cuttings or will it have seeds?

This tree / shrub (?) seems to have self sown at the edge of my driveway, I wondered if you could identify what it is, and if so, what the best growing conditions would be for it. I need to move it slightly as it’s on the edge of the driveway gravel and I want … read more

Two right-angled hedges of BrianGold to protect bed of roses in Winter, now seem dead. Will I uproot yet or leave ? Roses are fine!!!

We have a large house on a large site. Approx 1 acre in front. It is a very open lawn with just a few mountain ash planted and a random shrub rockery. We have access to a mini digger and a carpenter willing to make us any wooden features we like. We also have alot … read more

I planted 4 wisteria last spring do i prune them back hard this month to form a framework

i recently got a bouquet of flowers for my birthday and this was a piece of greenery that was in it,i really like this plant and was wondering if you could let me know the name of it please??

When was Acer platanoides introduced into Ireland? What is the best way to maintain one?

Could you please help me to identify this deciduous shrub. It’s hardy (survived last winter in small pot in a cold frame), tolerates strong winds and seems to be happy in a sunny position in alkaline soil. I planted out a 20cm rooted cutting this spring and it is about 50 cm now.

While clearing some of my borders this last couple of weeks I have come across two or three of these growing. Are they bird-planted, and can you tell me what they are please?

I’ve a 7 meter H x 20m L unsightly building/brick wall to cover up. Thinking of planting dense evergreens. The wall runs east/west so conditions are favourable with a sunny south facing location for planting ,though on slightly damp ground. Can you suggest trees that would do the job for this location in Co.Wexford. I’m … read more

What climbers will grow through leylandi trees that are bare in a shady area facing east to give privacy.

I reularly see a hedgehog in my large garden and i would like to set up a place that it might hibernate i am thinking of under a evergreen tree that is close to the ground would this be suitable and how should i make it?

We are celebrating our 40th. wedding aniversary and want to plant a tree in the attached lawn. Can you suggest best location and a suitable tree.Have thought about a Blue Cedar but open to your advice.

At the back of my back garden I have a 40ft concrete brick wall 4ft in height and I have had a strong sunlap fence erected on posts from behind on top of this wall also 4ft in height and it is in a sunny position. Can you advise me what climbers to use for … read more

We have recently moved house and there are a number of trees planted around the property. I have attached photos of one in particular and would be greatful if you could identifiy it for me, and give me some tips on how to look after it. Is a variety of apple tree and are the … read more

I have a magnolia tree well established for the last 7 years and blooms every spring but to my surprise it has now flowered again. Can you tell me why and also when is it a good time to take a cutting and how would i do this?

Are the beautiful red berries on my honeysuckle poisonous?

Our house was built in 1948 so I presume the Scots Pine is approx 60 years old.It had been topped by previous owners (over 10 years ago) but right now seems to be losing its greenery and thinning out. Is it dying? Is there anything we can do to save it?

Could you tell me what would cause the leaves on a bay laurel to yellow and fall off? the tree is about 10 years old and this is a new thing this year. also not all the leaves are affected.

I have a sort of wild self seeding St Johns wort shrub, grows about 4/5ft or so high with thin wood branches lovely yellow bell fluffy flowers blooming at the moment, new shoots grow all over the place. Dont know what its called. Can you identify? And if so, can you tell me if the … read more

Could you tell me please the most fragrant honeysuckle to grow up a trellis. Is there one without black berries as I have small children playing in garden?

My question is mainly whether the use of Mypex is compatible with a country style border – I am hoping for an (eventual) country border, where various plants spread to give an overall coverage within the border. If I plant them initially through mypex to minimise the maintenance, does that limit their ‘spreading’ capacity? I … read more

what criteria are in place if any to have ones garden open to the public

None of my 5 cordylines have produced flowers – so far. Is this as a result of the bad winter, or are they likely to produce them later in the year? Each of them produced at least one in previous years.

I have a honeysuckle plant that is 3 years old, it is growing vigorously but has never flowered. It’s in an open space at the edge of a wall and is climbing up the side of the wall. What should I do with it?

Just started to renovate an old overgrown garden and one of the trees I ve been told is a Broom tree, Can you tell me a bit more on this tree and what it needs care wise.?

I was wondering if have any experience at growing Goji berries. I recently germinated some seeds and they seem to be growing pretty well although quite slowly. I searched on the net but i’ve yet to find anyone who has grown these plants to maturity in this country.

Small cuttings of jasmine and honeysuckle have been in my cold shed all winter, can i bring them indoors to my house now where there is still heating and place them by the window to encourage growth to prepare for the pergola i have made?

When is the best time of year to plant a Rowan tree? And where in the garden would be a good spot? ie shaded corner or out in the sun…..

I am currently researching the invasiveness of the ornamental plant Leycesteria formosa (Himalayan Honeysuckle) in west Cork. I would be interested to know if it can be easily propagated from seed or cuttings? Does layering also produce new roots?

Our plant leaves have suddenly turned black and wilted. Looks dead, in fact. Other winters it has kept bright and green. Should I do anything with it now, or wait until spring and prune it hard and see if it comes back again? It’s a long-established plant.

I have purchased a roll of fleece to protect, amongst other things, Jasmine, on a north west facing wall. Once on can I leave it or must I cover every night?

Im just wondering if you could help me with finding a website or a cd that i could use for botanical pronunciations and references. Im in college studying Horticulture and would find it much easer if i could have the latin name pronouce for me as it would speed up my spelling of them.

I recently bought a Pernettya Tige but I don’t know anything about it, can you please give me some information on this shrub!?

I have had a very successful growing sumac in my back garden which is still producing plenty of suckers. however the tree has not produced any leaves at all. the male flowers developed and then nothing. Should I dig it up and how easy is it to get all the roots out in order to … read more

Is the yellow moss which grows on tree trunks and branches bad for trees? should it be removed or sprayed?

Can you please tell me when the is the best time to take hydrangea cuttings?

My magnolia susan has just produced beautiful blooms again in the last week. Is this unusual? It is about 6 years old and this is the first time this has happened.

why do the little walnuts on my tree disappear before maturing.

Hello Gerry!I just have one question which is .i have a septic tank and on a windy day if walking along road you can get a slight bad odour . Is there any fragrance smelling plant which you could plant near or around safely? would lavander do or is there another easy maintenace plant you … read more

why should the leaves be falling off my acer palmatum

my neighbour has this plant in his garden, i would appreciate if you could tell me what it is and if it is possible to grow it from a cutting? thank you in advance!!!

My daughter has what we thought were shrub bushes in front of her house in a small town and we looked at them today and they have green apples on them. Do you know what they are?

I am currently working on establishing the main structure of my garden. One large bed is north-facing and I would be very grateful if you could advice me on suitable plants, mainly structural evergreen plants, around 3ft in height (Max)to form my foundation. I am very keen on perennials but want to start with some … read more

I have spent a fortune on beautiful plants only to find the heavy salt laiden atlantic winds burn before and after them. I so long to have colour and form in my garden but other than hebe and escallonia, is there anything alse that i could grow in such an exposed site as Belmullet , … read more

i have a silver birch which gets sunlight under it for most of the day. There is gravel on the ground underneath. Could you recommond plants or shrubs (preferably with colour) to grow under it. Thanks

I would love to grow Virgina Creeper or Boston Ivy on my Garage wall, but I am reading on some web sites that they may damage the wall itself, seems this is more the case for Boston Ivy….Other sites then seem to contradict this.Have u experienced this..? thanks

I have a compact bush, like a hebe which is very prickly to touch, however when grows in summer the outer layer is soft and produces small beautiful yellow flower in may, it remain green in winter its about a 1m wide & 1/2 m tall do you know what it is called?

hi gerry.like the web site.i was lokking for a bit of info about a weeping willow.all i know about it is that it at some time has a red berry and than a white flower.sorry this is all i know about it.any info you have about this would be great. thank paul hughes pbjhughes@yahoo.ie

I have a witch hazel corylus plu 9897.What does corylus plu9897 stand for? It is 4years old.It has never flowered,Please advise. Thanks.

Hi Gerry, I would like to grow some climbers (Boston Ivy or Virgina Creeper with Varigated Ivy ) to climb up a trelis and cover the front of a Garage wall.I will need to grow these in a timber rectangular box I intend to make…. question is… how deep would the box need to be … read more

Hi Gerry. I’m looking for the name of a tree that I have seen, but cannot seem to get the name of. I think it may be a type of crabapple. It’s a small tree with a greyish bark, green/grey leaves and it is in flower at the moment (end of April/start of May) with … read more

what are the best plants to put on a site 16 metres by 14 meters to cover off septic tank and part of lawn? south facing,good drainage,clay soil,very little shelter at moment .

How old, approximately, is a Scots Pine before it starts taking on its mature ( and majestic) shape? I am wondering will I live long enough to enjoy it!!

Hi Gerry, My Mother is a very keen gardener and she would like to know the origin of the free montodendron,is it related to the the rhododendron Thanks Valerie