Clematis Cartmanii dying?

QuestionsClematis Cartmanii dying?
Fiona Critchley-Smyth Staff asked 13 years ago

My clematis cartmanii (avalanche) got greenfly & what looked like blackfly. But they only seem to be on the new growth which happened over Christmas, we brought it indoors during the bad weather for a week & it grew uncontrollably.I sprayed it with suddy water, which didn’t work. I bought a spray & used that, I’m waiting to see if it will work.Unfortunately the leaves on clematis are wilting, going black on the edges & the leaves are dying. It’s in a pot so I hope it’s not clematis wilt. On the instructions it says pruning is not recommended, should I cut off the new growth (which is around 2ft) in the hope to save it? I’d appreciate any help.