Discoloured Grass

QuestionsDiscoloured Grass
Crevan Dunford Staff asked 8 years ago

Last year I had someone in to prepare ground and spread topsoil as needed to level it. I was away the day that the work was completed so never got to see the topsoil. It was only when I began rotivating and preparing it for seeding that I saw the poor quality of the soil. It looked like a mix of sandy very very stony subsoil, almost a pale yellowish colour. Anyway, I continued with the seeding and a year on the area where this topsoil was used the grass is a distinct yellow colour and very patchy where the grass wont grow at all, leaving it just bare. Over the winter there was little or no growth compared to other areas of the lawn and it is still the sickly yellow.Is there anything that I can do to rectify the problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated.