Frangipani Seedling

QuestionsFrangipani Seedling
Rachel Darlington Staff asked 14 years ago

I am growing Frangipani from seed this year. A seedling germinated for me on 29 January and grew well until I potted it on. The packet came with dire warnings about root disturbance so I transplanted the seedling complete with its compost from the the original cell. The seed case was stuck on the top of the plant for a long time and I feared it would rot (as has happened with some Ricinus) so I removed it carefully. The seedling now stands at 1 1/4 inches but does not seem to be growing. I fear the compost is too dense and that I should have added some grit or perlite to the mix but am nervous to interfere because of the ‘root disturbance’ warnings. The seedling gets plenty of light but not direct sun and is indoors. I let it dry out between waterings. Have you any advice on what I should do?