Fruit bushes

QuestionsFruit bushes
Anita Walichowska Staff asked 7 years ago

I have an old (Not sure how old) red currant bush which produced about 2kg fruit this yr. It has been here since we moved in 2 yr ago. It sits right against the wooden fence in a very close to a gooseberry bush which it completely overpowers (you can hardly see the gooseberry bush) I wanted to move it to different position and prune it along with my other bushes which i have planted last yr. As a novice I planted my black currants raspberries blackberries and gooseberries too close to the fence and to each other. Real mess. When is the best time to move them and how should I choose their location? Should i prune last yr bushes as well? My garden is South West facing and I have few trees as well (Apple, pear, cherry and plum)