Lawn Fertiliser

QuestionsLawn Fertiliser
eddie garvey Staff asked 14 years ago

Have an acre of lawn. In parts it is not very thick.Is developing small patches of what looks like dyng grass which after a while run into eachother to give large areas. Tips of grss have a red hue in these problem areas. I think its red thread. Anyway I think it needs a good fertlising. Locas say the area needs potash. Can you recomend an educated guess as to wht would be a good mix ,ie 101020 or whatever. ApRECIATE WITHOUT SEEING it you can not maybe be as accurate as ou mightlike to be in recomending a good mix but your recomendation will be better thnmy wild guess. Ps local garden centers are little use, most recomend a fertiliser that must be aimed at small lawns as it would cost me a fortun to fertiise my acre.