New Laurel Hedge Beginning To Go Yellow

QuestionsNew Laurel Hedge Beginning To Go Yellow
john keating Staff asked 13 years ago

On 5th Nov I planted 25 bare-root laurels where lawn meets the path in front of the house. (replacing frost damaged escallonia). Approx 20 inches apart. I used a mixture of compost and the soil which is poor enough. Mixed in a handful of ckicken manure per plant. The leaves are going yellow on about 33% of them already. The soil has gravel under it so I doubt its waterlogged. I put each plant well into the ground, maybe too much, I dont know. I made a little mound to keep off water logging and everything looks alright, except about 7/8 plants look like there wont make it. Demoralising as I am an amatuer. Considering building a wall if the hedge doesn’t come on.