Overgrown shrubs

QuestionsOvergrown shrubs
Suzanne kavanagh Staff asked 15 years ago

My garden is overcrowded with shrubs, some have grown 4ft wide and 6 foot high. They are over 10 years old and are impossible to maintain.in particular, I have one evergreen shrub which grows thorns on its branches, and is particularly overcrowding my garden.What is the best plan of action to remove these shrub completely.. What tool should I use for a quick result and what do you recommend I do with the piles of debris that I will acquire from this job.Maybe there is a gardening service that undertake these jobs at a good price?I really have a large garden and would love to get it looking well, these shrubs are really taking away from it as I cannot plant flowers because every edge of the garden has a tree or an old shrub in it. Thanks ,Suzanne