Portuguese Laurel hedge

QuestionsPortuguese Laurel hedge
ceebee Staff asked 13 years ago

I have a well kept, healthy, 5ft high, 40yd long, 20yr old Portuguese Laurel hedge. Last autumn the leaves on one plant turned grey/silver, through the winter some branches died. That plant is now growing new silver/grey leaves. The leaves are olive greenish – like eleagnus ebbengei. But, the leaves on three more plants dotted through the row are now doing the same. 25 years ago I lost a viburnum tinus hedge to honey fungus, it was 65 yds away from the laurel hedge, the house is between the two sites. I have lost nothing since to honey fungus. If it IS silver leaf disease, what can I do a)to the olivegreenleaved plants to “cure” them and b)the green leaved plants to protect them? We look at this hedge every day through the kitchen window so its important to us!