Potatoe blight – horsetail treayment

QuestionsPotatoe blight – horsetail treayment
Damien Mc Hale Staff asked 13 years ago

Can you please tell me if you have tried/had success with using horsetail mixture as a treatment for potato blight? I found the below while searchibg the internet: Thanks, Tom436 1. In a large glass or stainless steel pot, mix 1/8 cup of dried horsetail leaves in 4 1/2 litres of unchlorinated water 2. Bring to a boil, and simmer for 1/2 hr.3. Cool, strain, bottle and label. The infusion will keep for a month which is long enough for you to keep reapplying to your crop. Any left overs can be used as a wonderful hair rinse. 4. To use, dilute the 1 part horsetail concentrate to 5-10 parts unchlorinated water. Spray infected plants once every week or two in dry weather or daily if it is raining.