preparing a bed(s) from scratch

Questionspreparing a bed(s) from scratch
Anne McLoughlin Staff asked 9 years ago

a lot of the garden is covered with grass, as high as 3 foot. I think I get the strimmer & cut the grass to the butt. Do I then take the top layer off before rotavating the soil or do I just start rotavating? Can I start now in the summer? I have help now that the lads are home from college. I won’t have it after August and I can’t manage it myself. I want to sow foxgloves and lupins to start with & then create another bed for roses & peonies. I have a lot of perennials in tubs & it seems a waste to let the garden go to seed so to speak when the ground could be utilised much better. There is a lot of garden gone to seed (best part of an acre) with trees (mostly apple) dotted around.