Problem with laurel hedge

QuestionsProblem with laurel hedge
kevin f Staff asked 8 years ago

I got a Laurel hedge growing around our property. On one side it is bordered by post and rail fence lawn, and the other is a steep bank. Majority of hedge is thriving, however, one section (about 6yrds) is lagging way behind. It is about half the width of surrounding hedge, and not as high, all planted at the same time. It has been quite yellow, so i have been feeding this section weekly for past few weeks with Phostrogen. The ground is clay, but doesnt seem to be affecting the rest of hedge prob in region of 120yrds in total. Doesnt seem to be water logging. There have been flowers on it and growth, and now some green bulbs on sections. so it is growing, just not as well, any ideas on how to improve it to the level of the others plants?