red gooseberry plant

Questionsred gooseberry plant
tonya digby Staff asked 13 years ago

i have just bought a red gooseberry plant and have repotted it into a bigger pot rather than putting it straight into the ground as in the next month or 2 i will be moving and would like to take my gooseberry bush with me i have also tied it to a stake as the winds seem to be quite strong of an evening but as i have done this i would like to know would i be able to replant it as soon as ive moved or will i have to wait and if so when will i be able to replant it also with the weather that we had last year if we get that kind of weather this year what should i do with my gooseberry plant/bush as it should have full sun half shade obviously the winter would be different but im just worried that it might die before it has a chance to grow.