Replacements for Leylandii

QuestionsReplacements for Leylandii
Mary Killeen Staff asked 16 years ago

Enter the detail of your question BRIEFLY (in up to 100 words).Hello Gerry,I have just taken down 3 Leylandi and another hedge bush at the back of my garden. I am having a a wall built instead. The wall will be 180 inches long then a door/gate about 30 – 33 inches wide and a short wall of 32 inches. It will be about 7 feet high.As I am on slope of a hill the top windows of the houses at the back of me will now be looking into mygarden and can see into my sittingroom as I have an 8 foot patio door with a small patio outside it. My whole backgarden would be about 34 foot long and 22 feet wide. It will be walled in now completely.My house is in a terrace – the middle one in a block of five-.My question is: What could I plant at the back wall that would grow up a few feet above the wall for privacy but would not require alot of maintenace -would there be any small trees that would suit? What would you recommend?