Roma tomatoes

QuestionsRoma tomatoes
Jane Forrester Staff asked 14 years ago

I am growing 24 tomato plants in my tunnel. 7 varieties. Moneymaker, Big Boy, Brandywine, Gardeners delight, Red Cherry, Cristal and Roma VF. All grown from seed. problem with Roma: Pinched out side shoots, same as others, then found all Roma had stopped producing growing points at top. So next time a sideshoot appeared I tried to leave it so it would continue to grow. But the plants are now a complete mess, sideshoots everywhere and hardly any decent fruits. I’m disappointed because I was looking forward to getting nice plum tomatoes. All others (except Gardeners Delight and Red Cherry that have been attacked by greenfly) are doing fine. What am I doing wrong with Roma? Is it really for growing outside as a sprawling bush?