Tips on young leylandii turning rusty

QuestionsTips on young leylandii turning rusty
sumac Staff asked 16 years ago

Hi again Gerry.
It’s hard to get good advice on leylandii, as most people just say that they’re an awful tree, & to get rid of them. However I don’t submit to the bad press they get, & planted very young trees, along my external border, with the intention of not letting them grow any higher than 3 meters.

They were bare root when planted in November last. I am slightly concerned that the tips of the branches on quite a few of them are starting to turn an orangey brown colour.
I took a photo of the problem & uploaded it to here:
to show what I mean. Feel free to use the pic for your database if you like.
I hope it’s not too serious a problem, & that it can be overcome, as a lot of hard work has gone into planting these trees. Thanks again.