What to do with this fantastic brocolli?

QuestionsWhat to do with this fantastic brocolli?
Aisling Roche Staff asked 12 years ago

Bought some type of brocolli/calabrese plants in a garden centre last June, put them down and didnt really give them any more attention. From about August onwards they started to give lovely crops of these small heads of broccolli, all through the winter until about mid December. Winter came and went and as you can see from the photo they are flowering again. Every time we harvest the heads, about 14 days later we have another great crop. (this photo was taken in mid Feb 2012). So just wondering 1) Should we expect a long season of this great crop? 2) Anything we should be doing to it to keep it going ? 3) Any idea of the variety/name so I will know it when I see it in the shops again?